Air Sealing: The Key to Energy Efficiency and Comfort

At the end of the day, air tightness is more important than insulation when it comes to energy efficiency. It doesn't matter how much insulation you have if there are uncontrolled air leaks that draw energy from your home and deposit moisture, making it difficult for it to dry out. Between air sealing and insulation, the former is more essential for energy efficiency. Air sealing repairs air leak points and is usually done before the insulation is installed.

Both of these methods combined can make your home even greener. Did you know that nine out of ten households in the U. S. have insufficient insulation? Sealing air leaks around your home and adding insulation are two of the most cost-effective ways to improve energy efficiency and comfort in your home. By tackling both projects, you can maximize your comfort and save up to 10% on your annual energy bills.

Both sealing and insulation can make your home more energy efficient, since less air can escape and the air inside the house is warmer. If you've had air leaks in your home in the past, don't let R-Value be the only factor when deciding on insulation. If you're thinking about buying a new insulator for your home and air leaks have been a problem in the past, then that's when you should more seriously consider creating an insulated air seal. As is the case with bursting insulators, insulating foam is removed in spray to apply it to the gaps, holes and openings through which air can filter.

If you are planning a comprehensive home renovation that includes some works, review some of the techniques used to seal the air in the construction of new homes and consider carrying out an energy assessment of the home to identify all the opportunities to save energy and money in your home. If you want your home to be more energy efficient, then hermetic sealing with the added benefit of convenience might be the best option. Creating an insulated air seal can not only make your home more comfortable, but it can also make it more energy efficient. The EPA estimates that homeowners can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs (or an average of 11% on total energy costs) if they seal their homes with air conditioning and add insulation to attics, floors, tight spaces, and basements.

Now let's take a look at R-value insulation and hermetic insulation so you can decide which route is best for your home. While foam insulation may have a lower R-value compared to fiberglass or cellulose, it creates an airtight seal that will make your home healthier, more comfortable, and more energy efficient. Between hermetic sealing and insulation, the former will make your home more energy efficient by preventing leaks, gaps and openings because foam insulation achieves something that fiberglass and cellulose insulators can't achieve: an airtight seal. Based on the results of its energy audit, it would seal the rooms with the most drafts so that they wouldn't have more leaks.